Beta readers play a crucial role in the writing process. They provide valuable feedback that helps authors improve their work before publication.

However, finding beta readers can be a daunting task. Especially for self-published authors who may not have a network of peers or professional contacts in the publishing industry.

Fortunately, there are several ways to find beta readers for hire, including freelancing platforms, online searches of beta readers’ websites, and writing groups and forums.

Let’s explore each of these options in more detail.

Freelancing platforms

Freelancing platforms, such as Upwork and Fiverr, are great places to find beta readers for hire. These platforms connect writers with a range of freelance professionals, including beta readers, who offer their services for a fee.

To find a beta reader on these platforms, simply create a job posting outlining what you’re looking for in a beta reader, including the genre of your book, the length of the manuscript, and the level of feedback you’re seeking.

You can then browse through the profiles of beta readers who respond to your posting, and choose the one that best fits your needs. Or you can find them on the project catalogue – here is my Upwrok profile.

Just be aware that these platforms charge fees. So you might find better offers elsewhere or engage the proofreaders directly.

Online search of beta readers’ websites

Another option for finding beta readers for hire is to do an online search for beta reader websites. There are several websites that offer beta reading services, such as,, and

These websites typically have a pool of beta readers who have been vetted by the platform, and who are available to work with writers for a fee.

To find a beta reader on these websites, simply create an account and post your manuscript, along with a description of what you’re looking for in a beta reader. You can then browse through the profiles of beta readers who respond to your posting, and choose the one that best fits your needs.

You can also find websites created by beta readers themselves, where they describe their services and offers. For instance, here is the description of my beta reader service.

Writing groups or forums

Writing groups and forums can also be great places to find beta readers for hire. These groups are typically made up of writers who are looking to connect with other writers and exchange feedback on their work.

To find a writing group or forum, simply do an online search for “writing groups” or “writing forums,” and browse through the results.

Once you’ve found a group or forum that looks promising, join the group or forum and post a message asking if anyone is interested in beta reading your manuscript. You may also want to offer to beta-read someone else’s manuscript in exchange.