


Beta Reading

None of your relatives or close friends is available to read your work? Or maybe you aren’t comfortable asking them?

Are you publishing a non-fiction book and need help checking if it suits your audience?

Have you written a short story or a novel and need an extra set of eyes to know how it feel from a reader’s viewpoint?

Have you received vague feedback, such as how amazing (or how terrible) your manuscript is?

A beta reader service will give you constructive and actionable criticism about your short story, novel, or non-fiction book.


Your report will be based on a beta reader questionnaire with my impressions about the plot, characters, dialogue, plausibility, and pace. You can also let me know in advance  if you have specific questions or guidelines.

Genres: sci-fi, fantasy, horror, crime/thriller, and literary.


Your report will be based on this beta reader questionnaire, focusing on the introduction, first chapter, overall structure, and conclusion. But, again, let me know what matters the most to you. Genres: business/marketing, self-development/self-help, hobbies, biography, travel/living abroad.
Beta reading a book for hire

You will get with your beta reading service

Detailed report

In-line comments

Answers to your questions

Answers to your follow-up questions

The report

Concrete suggestions/ideas.

Food for thought – questions pointing at what
readers might become unsure of while reading your manuscript.

Straightforward and analytical comments rather than passionate remarks.

Detailed analysis of the first and last chapters.

Comments about the title and blurb (if

Beta reading a book for hire
Beta reading a book for hire

In-line comments

The in-line comments are mostly food for thought: questions/mentions about what to improve or clarify for the reader. Some of them will be examples of what I mention in the report.

Maybe not all chapters will have in-line comments. They will be made only when and where they add value.

Usually, I write at least 20-50 in-line comments per 100k.

The first and last chapters always have in-line comments because they are crucial to the success of your story.

The Beta Reading Process


I’ll read your manuscript to get a general feel, highlighting and commenting on what stands out to me (the positives and the negatives).


Then, I’ll go back and analyse the manuscript more carefully, improving the in-line comments.


Finally, I’ll write the reader report and send it to you along the commented PDF. You can then review them and send your follow-up questions (if any).


Why should I pay you to beta read my manuscript?
  • I’ve been a member of the Irish Writers Centre since 2014 – we critique each other’s work frequently during writing group sessions.
  • I’ve published short stories and poems; I know the needs of authors.
  • I am an avid reader (around 80 books/year).
  • I’ve also written book reviews as a
Why does it take so long to receive the report?

Firstly, because go through it twice. Secondly, I
take my time creating your report to ensure I
have valuable suggestions to share.

Do I need to edit my manuscript before sending it to you?

I suggest you only send your manuscript when you feel you have done all you could to make of it the best manuscript ever. So, yes, you should
edit it before sending it to me.

But if what you are wondering is if you should
send it to a professional editor, it’s up to you. Some authors prefer to have it beta read first. Then, they hire an editor to help them implement the suggestions. Others do the other
way around.

Do I need to proofread my manuscript?

If you think the manuscript has a large number
of grammar and spelling mistakes, I suggest you
have it proofread first. This is because they
can lead to misinterpretation, weakening your
beta reader report. Otherwise, it won’t be

If you are unsure, please send me a sample (one
page) before starting the job, and I will let you

Can I trust you with my manuscript?

Yes, 100%. I can also sign an NDA if you like.


“Lucy is absolutely fantastic! She is by far the best beta reader I have ever had. Excellent communication and actionable feedback in a very timely manner. She really helped me see where my book’s problem areas are and gave good advice for how I could improve. I will definitely be coming back again!”

Karisa K.

“I truly enjoyed working with Lucy. She is on point, clear in communication, and does hit deadlines. I also loved her feedback and suggestions aimed to improve the final product.”

AsrorJon S.

Lucy was GREAT to work with! Communication was excellent, and she gave valuable, actionable feedback. I’m grateful for her insightful report, and I highly recommend her!

L S.

She is your go-to gal for all book writing services, she provided a great service to me with her detailed report that showed exactly where my book needed help, looking forward to hiring her again

Shahid D.

In either case, please notice I am not a developmental editor, copyeditor, or proofreader. What I will do is tell you about my experience while reading your story objectively.